New Address

This page is used to add a new Address and a Default Contact of any Shipper or Consignee you may ship with.


Address Info


To create an address you have a series of fields to fill out.

Name would be the company name of the Shipper or Consignee.

Street is the Shipper or Consignee’s Street No and Street Name.

Unit is an optional field.

City, Province, and Country explain themselves.

Postal Code must be entered or else you will not receive rates.


Assigning an Alias to an address you can quickly enter this address as a Shipper or Consignee in the New Order page.
Use something that works for your organization, such as your clients account number or code.


If you know the close time of the address, please enter it here. If the customer had an earlier close time that information should always be communicated to Argus.
If we fail to make a delivery due to the fact that a consignee closed earlier and this info was never communicated to Argus, a second delivery charge may apply.


If an address always has Special Instructions for pick up or delivery, enter them here. Whenever this address is used these instructions will be input into the Comments field on the New Order page.


Click Save to create an Address for the details you just filled out. To add a Default Contact continue before clicking save.

Contact Info (Optional)


You can add a Default Contact that may be at the address. The Default Contact will be automatically input into an order when this address is selected as a Shipper or Consignee.

All fields are optional only Name and Phone will show on the waybill.

Click save to save the Address and Default Contact.